We are specialists in cost effective remediation of all internal gutters, decks and flat roofs. You might have a Butynol (EPDM), Torch-On membrane or a Fibreglass system. We can re-waterproof them all. We have a range of waterproofing systems to manage all your waterproofing needs.
Our Tauranga based company has been waterproofing for over 10 years and our applicators have a wealth of experience in applying liquid rubber coatings. We found that many waterproofers will only recommend full replacement of membranes, which come at a huge cost for customers, because building work is normally required. We offer customers alternative cost-effective options with the same warranty periods as a new replacement.

Book your FREE flat roof inspection and report today.
We are currently running a promotion for a free roof Inspection and detailed Report. When last have you been on your roof? Leave it to us. We will arrange a time to come out and inspect your roof whereafter we will submit a report with detailed photos and an associated recommendation for solutions to any potential issues and/or high risk areas.
Why book an inspection?
Apart from the fact that it is free, many owners never inspect their roofs, but more importantly people do not know what to look for. In some cases, there are only minor issues that can be fixed on the day at no cost. Typically, flat roofs can show signs of deterioration after 10 years, but usually after 15 years. We use special systems that are uniquely compatible with these existing membranes. By the way, Silicon should not be used on a roof. Here are some of the issues we find.
Your roof will be transformed like this.